Monday, July 12, 2010

Lake Shore

As much as I gripe about Michigan, one thing this state has is the Lakes.  I do not feel a summer is complete without visiting Lake Michigan. Or any one of the Great Lakes.  I guess I am just biased. 
After a hazy three hour drive across 94, we had reached the lake house we would stay in for the weekend.  Decorated in classic red, white & blue banners, it radiated the all American cottage ideal.  If there was pink lemonade waiting for us on a wicker table on the porch, I think it could’ve been in a Better Home & Gardens  ad.

As soon as we got our stuff on the floor we all sat and chatted.  As you get older you see the people you grew up with less and less - at least at this point in my life i do.  This reality has only recently sunk in for me. It hit me more after this past season of college graduations.  No more summers at home w/ the 'rents.  We all live in different states.  We all are interested in different jobs and boys and lifestyles. Yet, we can still laugh and giggle and say one word and all of us know what the other is really saying.  Although each time we go away and come back I do fear we are becoming less of who we were and more of who we  And, no – this is not a bad thing.  Change is the goal.  But sometimes I wonder if the way we are changing is in a direction apart -  even if it is for the best.  It is weird when you have friends and/or significant other and cannot imagine your life w/out any of them in it.  Then fast forward two or three years later, and you have more, if not a completely new set of people that make you feel the same way.  I hope this happens in Austin; even though admitting that is as exciting as it is frightening. 
After a weekend of laying in the sand, head phones on and off throughout offering the proper soundtrack, jet skiing, swimming and eating and drinking, I definitely have decided that everyone deserves to own a tiki bar/cottage/villa/beach house, on the water at some point in their life.  Herman Melville said, “Meditation and water are wedded forever,” in his Novel, Moby Dick.  The calm and felicity that is felt near bodies of water has to be some of the strongest healing and reflective powers one can experience.

Austin, TX has Barton Springs and Lake Travis. There is a restaurant that sits over Lake Travis called Oasis.  I guess the patrons actually clap after the sunset goes down.  A regular light show. :)    I will have to check those out and see if the sunsets can match Lake Michigan’s.   

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