Tuesday, September 11, 2012

random thoughts this week

there is such a thing as too many pine nuts.

any major project or goal in life that is worth doing will eventually break you down, make you cry and then save you. if you avoid hard work or blood/sweat/tears, you probably didn't do anything too special. if you do this project or goal solely for the purpose of money, the universe will screw you.

it's best in life to have a strong bullshit detector. especially with men at bars.

i do have a cap on how old i date. i am willing to lower that cap, but not raise it. men get grumpy and nasty looking when they get old. even Harrison Ford gets nasty eventually. And he was hot to begin w/ and he still got nasty!!!

no one cares about the Kardashians except for the media.

no one cares about the war in the middle east besides corporations. no one gives a shit how many people continue to die over there, except for the relatives of the honorable men and women serving the country.  But I come back to the same question - at this point, what are they serving for? Both presidential candidates plan to stay in Afghanistan for at least two more years.

I don't want to vote for either political party. both physically sicken me for different reasons. i will vote, but most likely write someone (Prince, Colbert?) in or choose the green or libertarians or something.

I have crushes on people i will never speak to. One is an arrogant married man on the bus, the other is a Spanish professor that comes out of his office at the exact time (w/out fail) i head to and from work every day. What if someone i don't notice has a crush on me and will never tell me about it? i think everyone needs a permanent fantasy. once you get it, it's lost the luster.

I'm started to get published. it feels good.

As much as i try, i cannot resist the joy i get from listening to British people being interviewed or talking to an audio device in general. I wish i wasn't that American woman cliche, but i am.  I like other accents too, i just don't hear them as much.

Freaking out isn't helpful. it just slows everything down. Same with crying.

I haven't had a TV in three years. I don't miss it.

I really really really miss the season of fall.

I have everything, yet I'm still restless. What do you call that?

Here are my favorite quotes from the week - the last one has rocked my world (!):

1 comment:

  1. Hahahhaah. I liked this post, lady. Especially this: "it's best in life to have a strong bullshit detector. especially with men at bars." Nice transition;)
