Friday, August 20, 2010


Hey there, it's been awhile.  After that first week of moving all the logistics came in to stay for awhile.  But they are slowly packing up and catching the next flight out.

One place i go on the occasional afternoon is the Spiderhouse.  Yes, it is fun w/ pals, but if you just want to write in your Moleskine notebook and ponder life while sipping the coffee elixir of your choice - it's a nice place to free your mind.  The surroundings are mainly responsible for this.

The entire backyard of the small, purple house is covered in archaic treasures.  Some may call this "junk", but they old wrought iron, vintage carnival lights and stone fountains really make this house a home.

These treasures are placed along the garden perimeter, triggering one to feel something blissfully secretive about your own little delinquent ice coffee sipping paradise.

And if that isn't enough inspiration for your thoughts, the House's insides are covered in beautiful art by local artists, a new artist being featured at least every other week it seems.  Art showings are a weekly event.

They also have a multitude of events.  Last week they had a "bike-in" - think drive-in w/ bikes instead of cars.  It's open from 7 am - 2am so there is always something going on, a place that definitely rides the ebb and flow of daily life to the highest heights.    I've yet to go there at night when it becomes a bar atmosphere, but from the looks of the patio lights, crowded parking lot and people it is just as enchanting in the evening as it is in the sun.

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