Thursday, August 21, 2014

"quarter life crisis"

This is exactly how I feel. I am trying to live out the last paragraph.

And I completely agree with this statement as well:

I am currently trying to figure out my motivators. Instead of constantly thinking about how my life is "supposed to be," I have started to write and reflect more on what makes me happy. Searched for healing in the wounds. I also remind myself that life takes time and that to even be able to have a "quarter-life crisis" means that I am privileged, and more than anything, should be grateful. Yes, the falseness of "happily ever after" has left me, as well as many others, delusional and unfulfilled. But let us not forget about the millions of people who cannot afford to eat, let alone Google cures for their unhappiness, because of the falsities of popular myths such as "the American Dream."

I'm actively trying to live in the now. A lot of my stress comes from the past or future; which are two places I have no control over.

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