Thursday, April 30, 2015

Couples I don't want to be

At work last weekend i waited on two couples.

The first one:
  • woman cuter than man
  • he was a fat nerd w/ glasses
  • she was audrey hepburn
  • she paid for the entire meal. she wrote on her receipt, "boyfriend got the tip."
  • her boyfriend paid a $10.00 tip on a $50.00 tab. 
  • I found this to be annoying. 
  • i hope a man splits it with me or pays for all of it
  • why was she with him?
The second one:
  • i forgot to get bacon on the guy's burger
  • the woman is the one who accosted me with this oversight
  • i apologized and got the kitchen to bring down a side of bacon
  • the woman insisted they get a discount, even after he ate it all
  • yes, she ordered a salad and just a salad
  • he said, "no honey, it's ok"
  • she would not back down.
  • he was whipped and let her have all the power

Two couples I never want to be.

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