Monday, September 27, 2010

Class of 2000 - i salute you.

Friday night AND Saturday were super eventful.

Friday night i got all dolled up, took the wrong bus, watch drunk frat boys get kicked off by the police from the bus, got on another bus, and finally got to the Opening of the Visual Arts Center on campus.  It is a brand new space for art and tremendously talented student and non-UT student art.  Tons of little spaces next to huge open ones.  i think the set up make a truly fluid walk thru for the beholder.

After than i went out w/  a co-worker to the Ghost Room.  I met a guy who knew the band.  His name was Waldo.  I then asked what the bass players name was, but Waldo refused to tell me and all he kept doing was giving me his number in lieu of truthfulness.  I later found out - his name was Lamar.

After that we went to Lovejoy's.  One of my absolute FAVorite bars in Austin.  I think it is the wild hipster gypsy vibe that i like about it.  Or maybe the really good local beer.  As much as Austinite are prideful of their "weird" unique qualities, I've yet to find a microbrew I like as much as the ones back home.  I suspect there are some really good ones in New Braunfels, but i have not car so that will be for another time.

Saturday i went to a study group at a cafe in SoCo (South Congress). We met at a cafe, so i didn't think much partying would ensue. But my, how i was wrong!!! the night had only begun.  

Congress is similar to Woodward.  It runs very far and tons of amazing things are located around it.  Congress stretches from the Capital (go figure) in the North to all the way past Lady Bird Lake in the south. The citizens of SoCo are yuppies, Boys' town social lites, the "original" hippies and hipsters.  More hipsters live on the East side than anywhere else right now due to gentrification of that area.    SoCo is filled with fun boutiques and quirky endearing bars.  There was also this fun outdoor plot with a good cover band we listened to. After SoCo, are group seemed to udergo a diaspora all over SoCo.  Some people left to go home and sleep (yes, the bad effects of grad school), others went to study (another side effect).  of course it was a Saturday night so i couldn't go back to my apartment. 

After SoCo-ing around, me and my two hot MLIS buddies went Downtown.  We all agreed that 4th street would be a good start.  4th street is far less "college-y" and mostly hot people who are not in college. I saw "The Belmont" across the street.  I've walked past it before.  Great place, kind of retro w/ and open top, garden surrounded entrance.  It's like the solarium in the movie Sabrina.  Does that help?

We got in and i immediately headed for the rooftop. Uh-oh.  A sign, "Closed event, no entrance." I proceeded up the stairs.  Looking around everyone had name tags on and no one had stopped me.  I saw a name tag on a nearby table.  Written on it in black sharpie was "Elizabeth".  Well whomever Elizabeth was, she wasn't here so I decided to be her for the next hour.

Turns out we were at a high school reunion! Class of 2000 - rock on. I'm glad to say Elizabeth got free booze, food and numbers.  Elizabeth had a great time at her high school reunion.  And to think she is 28!! still looking young.....

After crashing we went to find a Communist themed bar, Molotov.  it was a little farther than we thought.  heh.  So when we got there and there was this huge line, i had to get in somehow!!!  Couldn't walk away that easy.  So i ran across the street, walked up to the doorman, said will you let us in in my sweetest tone and get this - HE DID. i mean it prolly helped that some VIP guy was in front of me and continuously pointed at us, but hey. we got in!!! 

The whole night reaffirmed the idea to me that you are whoever you say you are.  If you can walk the talk then i guess rules do not apply. :)  how fun.

1 comment:

  1. It would be funny if you had a picture of Waldo and used Paint to draw glasses and a striped shirt. Just sayin'!
