Monday, November 26, 2012

Universe is smoking crack.

so many men i've gone on dates w/ appeared yesterday. this town is too fucking small. add that to a reason to move. 
these all happened in a single day, yet never happen normally. that's why i'm sharing it in the sharing circle this week. what is the universe doin? 
smokin' crack.
1 - past date's current gf/fiance(?) on the street. she is cray-cray and wants to cut me, exchanged bitch faces. i endured this at a friend's wedding. flashback wayne's world style, y'all.
2 - saw guy i dated twice and ended horrendously playing at his best friend's house (which happens to be 2 doors down from me [wtf!!!]) on way back from video store. yes i still rent dvds. they aren't all on netflix.
3 - creeper texted me, i have no idea why. he texts me every 10 days like a creeper would do. i don't respond, but he keeps doing it. so fucking weird.
4. IMOM keeps looking at my linkedin. what a horrible feature by the way. i know he's looking at my social network, professional networks but he can't bring himself to speak to me? oy vey. he also wrote a thanksgiving day piece for a local publication lamenting how he had no one to be with on thanksgiving day and how hard it is to not be in the motherland on a holiday such as thanksgiving.:
"If it hadn’t been for those intrepid pilgrims and the friendly Indians who helped them survive their first winter, I’d never have had my American adventure in the first place: never learned how to make proper margaritas; never driven a cerulean Mustang with the windows rolled down toward a vermilion sun balanced on the horizon; never had my socks blown off by those spirited beauties only fashioned in America."

So - that is FOUR things in one weekend. this town is too damn small yo

it's the single girl life i guess.
 ALSO - all these people popping up - NO CARPENTER, NO JESUS CARPENTER

oh --------

i just realized dear readers i've yet to tell you the tale of the Carpenter Jesus. Next post.....

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