Tuesday, February 4, 2014

i'm on wikipedia.

i went to a local bar last night. Most of the entertainment came from the bearded bartenders. there were a bunch of comedians doing stand-up. Wow. that is like the hardest thing to do. I think that would be my personal hell. telling jokes to a dead audience.

This one guy kept on saying on stage and off stage that he was on SNL. And his set wasn't that funny.

I feel like being a comedian or musician is the same. You're either good or not and it's clear. And if you're not good you can fake it for a significant amount of time before someone calls you out. But i say, ride that fake train as long as you can, dear sir!

I saw today that his SNL guy has a wikipedia page. Are wikipedia pages going to become like the new status symbol?  You've made it in life if you have your own wikipedia page? Will it be the new Facebook?

Accomplishments are in the eye of the beholder and sometimes, certain accomplishments are acknowledged by one and all.

It's weird how our online life defines us in our real life, whether we like that or not. When we die, will we be judged by a google search? Or if we had a Wikipedia entry?

Sometimes it seems more life is taking place online than in real life - like online dating. I've never done online dating but it seems like there is a whole WEIRD SICK WORLD going on out there with that. Maybe like 5% is wholesome and weird, but 95% of the stories i hear from my girlfriends are horrific. Maybe I'll try it in 6 months.

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