Wednesday, February 19, 2014


couples suck


tonight i was out with my trivia team and my one trivia mate brought his gf. i like her and they are fun. but tonight we started talking about dating. it was 2 single people in the group and 3 coupled people. We were a bit outnumbered.

Couples Tattoos - Socialphy tatoo-ideas-tattoo-stuff

both me and the other single person stated why dinner is not a first date option, more of a 3rd date option. 1st dates are for casual stuff; drinks, bowling, origami making, podcasting, YOU KNOW.

3rd dates can be dinners. You don't want to eat awkwardly on a first date. not sexy. at all.

The couple insisted their first date was a dinner date. well fuck them.

I also said how on a dinner date i would prefer the man to pay for my dinner. ON THE FIRST DINNER DATE HE NEEDS TO PAY FOR MY DINNER. if he can't or doesn't want to pay for my $12-22.00 pasta dish he can go fuck himself. I AM WORTH far more than a $12-22.00 pasta dish. After the first date we can ease up and split checks, but the first REAL dinner date is important to me. ALSO all my favorite and most caring ex-boyfriends ALWAYS paid for my food the whole time we were dating. IMAGINE THAT.

I was called out on this practice as well. i was told i was NOT FEMINIST AND ANTI-EQUALITY. 


i was also told a classics story that most couples tell you. Since they are not in the dating scene they don't understand what it is like to date, how to act. I was told i needed to ask more men out on dates, be more aggressive, approach men.

Personally, i'm not opposed to approaching a man to start a conversation, but i do not want to ask him on a date. I'd rather talk to him, flirt, see if he's interested. If he is interested he will ask me out. IF HE IS NOT, HE WILL NOT ASK ME OUT. and that will save me time. I've asked out men in the past and whenever i've done that it's ended shittily. why? BECAUSE THEY WEREN'T INTO ME IN THE FIRST PLACE.


just keep doing your thing. there is no right way to date and you cannot tell the future. 

i'd rather be alone & happy than married & miserable. 

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