Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Dreams ... (or nightmares?) of late

I had a dream this last night/morning. I was dating Marc Maron. We lived in Austin, Texas and my family was in town. We were at Austin-y restaurant; meaning it was a restaurant with Mexican food and brightly colored picnic tables and pink prickly pear margaritas.  I kept on being constantly paranoid about what my conservative father and Marc Maron were going to talk about and I kept on interrupting. It became a "stress dream" - one of those dreams you have when you wake up totally stressed out about it.Some people run from a monster or zombie for the whole night. I go on dates w/ my family and liberal comedian fake boyfriend.

Marc Maron. I love his podcasts. He is the voice for people like me who are anxious and are attempting normal.
I was half awake lying in bed, thinking "OMG I can't date this guy. My family hates this guy. But I wanna date this guy! What am I going to do?" I was totally stressed out about it.

Then I realized I am not dating Marc Maron so I tried to calm the fuck down.

Two nights ago I had a REALLY weird dream where I had two fucked up looking nipples in addition to my regular nipples. Nipples?!

Here is what dream dictionaries say about that:
Nipples:Whether you are a child or an adult, seeing nipples in your dream represents that you rely on your mother for a lot of things. On the other hand, you might just need some motherly love or someone close to you reminds you of that love. 

You are feeling sexually inadequate.

No shit, Sherlock.

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