Thursday, February 12, 2009

Baci!!!! Happy Valentine's Day!

i went to another factory on monday.
yes, another food factory.
but this one was a chocolate one in perugia. no willy wonka in sight. we did have free samples and a metrosexual tour guide named Niccola.
It was a Bacio factory, bacio means kiss in Italian. it was invented after the hershey's kiss. i was surprised by this because usually everything in europe is older than everything in america.
one time in italian class, we were talking about old churches and my prof asked me (in italian of course) if my town had any old churches. i said yes, some from 200 years ago. then she laughed and said that wasn't old.
200 is just a drop in the bucket!

and look >>>> they had easter egg molds as big as my face!


  1. hi savy...did you know in each bacci candy there is a love message?? it's on a piece of paper inside the wrapper... have a great day..xxo
    gonna snow here again..getting cold after being 60 degrees last week! see what you're missing?

  2. I love Bacci!!!!!!!!
    Happy Valentine's and tanti bacci xxxxx.

  3. i love your guys comments! please keep posting! happy valentine's day.

  4. Got a free sample and a metro-sexual tour guide or a free sample of a metro-sexual tour guide? Honestly on first read I was confused.

    Also, "i was surprised by this because usually everything in europe is older than everything in america." These statements are why I love you.

  5. Um hi, what Italian man isn't metro-sexual?
