Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feeling the Heat ...

Austin has warmed up this week drastically. It was 45 on Sunday. It was 75 degrees today!

My anxiety at present seems as accelerated as the temperature here in Austin.  I'm on the job search and have yet to pull  in any fish.  I think I was optimistic because I was ignorant of how hard it was to get a job.  I've worked so hard these past two years - not just the classes. I've tried things I never thought i could do and dove into projects that seemed epic, but i conquered them. I got an internship at the Smithsonian.  I hope all this pays off and gets me a job before or shortly after i graduate.

Not only do i want a profession in this field, but i also want a job so i can ensure that i may pay off the thousands of dollars of debt I've incurred by "chasing after my dreams". Yes - it has ALL been worth it, but i hope i can get the job after all this schooling and start paying off my bills.

I still believe that even though i will have bills till i die, that LOVING what you do is worth paying debt off. You could have million of dollars, but money never "truly" fixes anything, b/c at the end of the day you're still you - and ya better like that "you" you are!!!

Some very big questions have been filling my head lately.  When will i get a job? What will it be? Where will i be living come July 31st? Will i keep my Austin friends?  Will we still talk after we leave the iSchool?
And of course, only time will answer all of these questions.

As the questions and anxieties increase, my London trip looks better and better everyday.

Change and me have always had a Jekyll and Hyde relationship.  on one hand it makes me nervous and  uneasy and question the mysteries of life.  On the other hand i embrace it and rely on it to make my life exciting and purposeful. Many times in my life i have flung myself into a drastic experience or situation in order to test my survival skills, see how i can adapt to change.  Each time it gets easier, but it is never easy. And that's why i like it. It is a chronic sick joke this torrid love affair i share w/ change. And yet the only sure thing in anyone's life is change, no?

Lately I've been trying extra hard to find foreign job placements.  i long to fling myself into another continent where i know no one and make a life for myself, whether it be for a long while or short stay.  i want to meet more people and more challenges of life.  there are still so many questions I've yet to answer about myself and the world i live in.

A secondary goal in finding myself and experiencing the world is that I still have to find my Hot Tempered Spanish Painter. the HTSP.

Obviously my HTSP will be hotter than Javier ...


  1. 1. I was soooooooo oblivious to how hard it is to get a job.
    2. I DIDN'T get a job that paid me enough to drive there, which is why I had to ride the bus to Detroit, haha.
    3. That's my favorite PostSecret of all time! :)
    4. HTSP? Hahahaha. I love it! Javier is pretty hot though.
    5. This is making me want to watch VCB with you over skype!

    Love youuuuuuuuu! You can conquer the world, girl! Everything happens for a reason and the right job will come along soon enough :)

  2. Megan! Thanks so much for always being there - no matter where "there" is and no matter how far apart we are in this world. I know no matter where i am I can always call you.

    It's pretty early for me to start whining about the job thing. I'm not even out of school. And yet i just started a Peace Corps application this morning. I'm insane.
