Wednesday, January 2, 2013


i very much enjoyed being at home for the holidays. but there is no sun here or public transportation. also most of my friends have since moved away due to the shitty economy that is here.  so mostly, the visit was fun because of my family and friends who i got to visit with who i barely see anymore.

i hope the new year brings me a new job and more money. if i had an enslaved genie in a bottle i would also wish to live in a foreign country, but alas i see no way that would happen in this year. you can't have it all!

but truly, i do have it all. i have my health, family and friends. and really good food. and a job i like!!!
i think it is easy to live in America and think you have it hard. i think it is harder to look outside the box when you live here and realize you a very rich person compared to the rest of the world. some places have absolutely nothing. i try to keep up on world news so i do not become one of the mass that hails to Honey Boo or the Kimye baby. And yes, I realize knowing about that kinda just blew my cover, but i try to not limit my google reading to the "entertainment" section.

i have a positive outlook for 2013, but maybe that is just because at the beginning of every new year that is how you feel.

i defriended old ex boyfriends that i don't talk to anymore off my facebook. then i proceeded to get rid of the other 50 people i never communicate with in any capacity anymore. it was a nice spring cleaning, freeing feeling.

my intentions for 2013 include the following - no i am not sharing all of them - [some reveal my life long flaws!]

  1. drink more water and green tea
  2. invest more energy in cooking quality food - this includes learning how to make a damn good bowl of Pho
  3. write more
  4. get published
  5. continue working out 3-5x a week
  6. make more money
  7. travel - nyc, hawaii, south east asia
  8. cultivate patience
  9. more yoga
  10. don't date losers
So judging by the list above the word of the year is MORE. 
but that seems so selfish and greedy. Maybe BETTER is a good replacement. 

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