Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Blissful ignorance

At the close of this semester - my last one in grad school - i'm being all emo and introspective. So of course i wanted to write about it, in chalk on the sidewalk that is my section of the Internet.  Here are some beautiful things I'd like to do ... asap.
  1. Take a trip to Brazil
  2. Write - and actually get published
  3. Sing in a band - i already do this, but would like to continue until i reach senility - and beyond.  You can have dementia and still remember lyrics. 
  4. Live in a city and be a workaholic
  5. Work for a non-profit .... again
  6. Rent a Tuscan villa for two weeks in the summer w/ friends
  7. Go to Africa, preferably while doing work, or serving some cause in some manner
  8. Live in a Foreign country. 
  9. Have an urban bee colony in my backyard 
  10. Remain a Free Bitch as long as possible

The future is so fickle. I've been to psychics, I've had my astrology read. I've plotted and guessed.  Yet - the only way anything I've imagined has come true is through action.  So many of my dreams have been realized this way: living in italy, moving to Texas for grad school, working at the Smithsonian. I hope I can keep this magic going. I think I can.  Mostly because I am full of BLISSFUL IGNORANCE. it's a flame i've been fiercely protecting since i was born -  and continue to do so.

Also - I feel that as long as my mother or friends are telling me my ideas are crazy/ridiculous/"don't DO that!" I am moving in the right direction.  Because no one boring or practical every had an exciting, crazy life. And that is what i want.

Still applying for jobs, still trying to decide if I'm staying in Austin or getting the hell outta town ....
only time will tell.

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