Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Coachella: Where Cultural Respect goes to die and Anorexia is Queen. Proof young women need role models.

I've never been to Coachella.  It's a two weekend music Fest in California.  Many "commoners" go, but also, young starlets go.  You know, the ones who are "cool" enough to get VIP passes.

The pictures coming out of this year's event are disturbing.  I've been seeing multiple young woman with paint on their faces akin to tribal marks and many wearing huge, elaborate Native American head dresses.  Call me crazy, but does this not have an air of cultural insensitivity and ignorance to it?  Even more ignorant since I have seen barely ANY pictures with people of color. Coachella seems extremely WASP-y and entitled.

Also - many of these same young women look emaciated, weak and dying.  They seem to exalt their unnatural thin frames.  Is this empowerment? 

When did "being a hippie/flower child" mean demeaning other people's cultural heritage and starving yourself? Why and how have the women of my generation become so ignorant and self-loathing? Where are the empowering figures they can look up to?

To Tallulah Willis' credit, she does talk about how it IS WRONG that a current trend for Coachella is to "do these crazy diets and not eat a month before Coachella" (at 3:57).  She talks about her own body issues at 2:57.

But DON'T WORRY. if you're not RICH, WHITE, or COOL you can create your own disrespectful stance at home. Through Couchella. 

Without strong women role models, young women suffer.  When women suffer, the whole household (both "traditional" or "unconventional" dynamics) suffers.  This leads to more suffering in the world.

We need to cultivate stronger women not only for ourselves, but society as a whole. Hopefully this is proof we are moving in a weird, retrogressive path.

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