Monday, July 1, 2013

a bad day.

i enthusiastically emailed the RPJ.

he replied back with the saddest news ever. that news in the category of family, loved ones, pain, and sadness.

and my email to him was soooo gd chipper. i felt SO BAD - but i had no idea, obviously until he replied.

Needless to say, the RPJ, is now but a memory. I think the fates have called this one and it is a never-gonna-happen. Alas.

Moving on........

I signed a lease yesterday and my prospective roommate last minute, without explanation, backed out on me.

Bye, dream apartment!!!! Bye savings and good credit and trust in people to do the right thing!!! AU REVOIR.


So all in all today was really really really shitty.

Thank God i only have two more days of work.

I didn't think it was possible to be rejected and screwed in the same day!!!!

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