Thursday, June 27, 2013


i surprised myself last night. i didn't think i'd ACTUALLY do it. I just fantasized about it.

i went to a rogue photo journalist lecture and met my ridiculous crush. it was then or NEVER so i got the gumption and with a small push from my friend, E, i waltzed i was going to vote for my favorite candidate or something and make a difference in the justice system. all business.

my intro line was probably the most awkward, worst, unsuave, creepy thing you could have ever said to someone.

"hi, do you remember me?" i may not even had said the "hi" part.
so wrong. or so right?


"..............yes. you're from the [old place of employment] and you had really short hair then."

"yah! i did. [overly excited reaction b/c his statement proved he knew who the fuck i was.]

"well i moved here from [city i used to live in] b/c i got a new job as [new job title] and I decided to come this thing tonight." wtffffff derp derp babble. his reaction:


"yah. well do you have my email?"

"uhhhmmm, no,"

he reaches into his jacket to get his phone out and give me his email.

"umm unless it's on your professional website or something?"

"ya. it's on there. email me and we'll get a beer sometime. cuz i live here in D.C."


he awkwardly runs from me and i so the same.

i have no idea if this was a victory or a fail. i guess victory since he kept his freaked-out-ness somewhat at bay and suggested beers. People who are freaked out by you don't offer you beer time, or do they?


i'm shelving this recent advancement in this hot man pursuit. i think i'll email him in a week or so for beers. he will most likely not answer or feign illness, relocation, out-of-country-for-job-six-months situation.  The reason i'm soooo not going to have high expectations for this one is due to this crush being WAY out of my league. and WAY older. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

i think if you aren't embarrassing yourself at least once a week you aren't truly living. and i can say with full confidence I'm quite dicey right now. ;)

We'll have to now give him an acronym, like all the other have gotten.

As a refresher here is what they are:

HTSP = hot tempered spanish painter
IMOM = international man of mystery

and the new one will be,
RPJ = rogue photo journalist

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