Monday, June 10, 2013

Fire with Fire

Rhett Butler: I can't go all my life waiting to catch you between husbands.

My ex- secret lover is suddenly posting on FB. He has 9 friends. Is it for me? I VAINLY choose to think so.

But he chose to post a picture of him eating a local Austin Ramen place.  I see a dress print across from the large steaming Ramen bowl. To the left of the pint of asian beer.

And I don't like that. But it also did sober me and and I started seeing red. Not that I'm mad at him.  I'm not mad at him. Just the situation. He is a classic case of Ashley Wilkes. And I am Scarlett O'Hara.  He is a great man, but he will never have the balls to follow his emotional fiery spirit. He is Ashley and will live a long, "sweet" life with her.

And like a Scarlett O'Hara - I may at times lust after Ashley Wilkes, but what i REALLY need is Rhett Butler.  I need a man to kiss me the way a woman should be kissed and often. And even though Scarlett and Rhett did not have the most healthy relationship, it was one of thrilling passion and two strong willed equals having it out.  I'd much rather be with a man who can rise to my height than one who is always kneeling at my feet. It's sweet, but it's hard to respect a push-over.

It's the smoke I'm looking to follow down the streets to get to the fire.

Scarlett: Great balls of fire! It's Rhett!

Rhett Butler: No, I don't think I will kiss you, although you need kissing, badly. That's what's wrong with you. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.

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